Some who hold strict religious views may find it not
what they want to consider. I found it fascinating to see how people describe
their experiences in terms of total love, feeling of peace, no fear, knowledge,
others meeting and communicating with the person, the description of objects coming
toward them and communicating to them. There were some negative experiences but
even those people grew and found that the experience allowed them to refocus
their lives to be different.
This book shows that many in our society have had personal
experiences like this, but will not share them because of the stigma from
society. It often personally challenges what the person finds
important in life. They become much more outward focused on others. Not driven
to success and power. They have a knowing in circumstances that they never had
before. I personally am not challenged by many of these descriptions, because
if you read the descriptive portions that include visions, prophecy and prose
within the Bible they have some similarities to what was communicated in the
written text. Read it and you decide.