Thursday, July 9, 2015

Continuum vs. Axis

While I was in South Dakota, both in the capital city and the Black Hills area, these last two weeks, it reminded me once again how important our relationships are and our history is when we look to our current environments. During that time I heard about the land mark Supreme Court decisions. I have reflected on the fact that we often get to certain situations over time.  Agree or disagree with rulings by our court system, we have to remember we have been moving on a continuum. Merriam-Webster tells us that a continuum is “a range or series of things that are slightly different from each other and that exist between two different possibilities.” This is kind of what was happening with the decisions by states regarding marriage and the Affordable Care Act.  There were two disparate beliefs about what should be allowed for the laws regarding marriage.  There was also legal maneuvering in states and among our federally constituted elected officials regarding the Affordable Care Act.
So for the last number of years, court cases have been climbing through the court system until two cases changed the very axis of law, and rights were changed.  You may ask why I use the definition “axis.” Merriam-Webster gives us several definitions.  Several fit here: “a straight line about which a body or a geometric figure rotates or may be supposed to rotate. . . . 5:  a main line of direction, motion, growth, or extension 6 a :  an implied line in painting or sculpture through a composition to which elements in the composition are referred b :  a line actually drawn and used as the basis of measurements in an architectural or other working drawing.” I think that gives us another concise definition: noun, plural axes. . . 1. The line about which a line about which a rotating body, such as the earth, turns.” This informs me that that legally speaking, we have moved from a continuum of possibilities to an axis by which all states and legal decisions will be predicated upon.

There have always been historical decisions like this in our history as a nation.  The very first was made at the Continental Congress when the people and representatives sent men to discuss separating from England.  From that time, we argued and disagreed upon many subjects until the Declaration of Independence was ratified by the 13 colonies. I know you will say, yes but that they were our representatives making the decisions, not the court.  But, these same people made up our nations framework and its structure for a reason. We often find ourselves unwilling to acknowledge two juxtapositions. We honor our nation’s leaders for creating a republic that included 3 branches of government, while currently thinking that our current branches of government are failing us.  I do not see things as gloomy.  We are a free people who have the rights to live and participate in our government.  We can and do make a difference in others people’s lives through personal and governmental means.   People are still flocking to our nation to live! When we have to begin begging or paying others to come, live and work here, I will know this is the end of a great nation.  Until then, I will continue to work and strive to serve the people within our society no matter what.