The book is what I would describe as an extra-Biblical
historical fiction piece. It is book two of the Jerusalem
Chronicles. When I began he audio book out, I did not realize that
it was book two, but the story was not dependent on book one.
Young protagonist, Nehemiah is born just a few years
prior to Jesus’ ministry time. The boy is born to Sarah and Lamsa who are now
living in the area described as the area where the Garden of Eden may have
been. They are shepherd’s that graze the sheep throughout the
year. Sarah is a masterful weaver of the sheep wool. Both
live a life devoted to the Lord. Rabbi Kagba is a shepherd to his
flock of those taking care of the sheep. He has taught young Nehemiah his
religious lessons. Something happens that changes the direction of
their lives and brings Nehemiah into a path that causes him to fulfill his
destiny as given by God. This book is captivating, imaginative and
also great historical description. If you like this type of story,
you will enjoy this book.
Another book written by the Thoene’s is “The Gathering
Storm,” This is a historical fiction book written about the Nazi takeover of
Europe. They tell about the invasion of Belgium, the escape of many from the
shores of France by boats to England and D-Day. Another small picture they
bring the reader is the men from WWI who suffered physical dismemberment. The
treatment of a specific number of men is profound. They also bring a little
love story and novelty using an ancient story. Their research made this an excellent