Thursday, June 20, 2013

I read an article from our local paper, "Colby Free Press." It was entitle, "Sunny yellow invaders have insid track." The original piece came from Daris Howard  ( ). The paper tells us that Howard is an "award-winning, syndicated columnist, playwright, and author. . ." As I read the first few lines it caught my attention because my husband has been working on planting new grass in areas of our lawn that need help. We have fertilized, killed potential grubs and weeds! Like this great article we have a neighbor who has weeds and they blow directly into our lawn. After I read the article myself I immediatly shared it with my husband. We both smiled and just knew this article put's things into perspective.

The story puts weeds in perspectives. Howard was complaining that Dandelions kept appearing on his lawn. He sprayed and sprayed. Then one day he went out and saw his 4 year old daughter summarily blowing and twirling around with the beautiful wispy round globes of seedlings. She was joyfully spreading the wispy globes all over their lawn. Howard wisely got a hold of his emotions and went to talk to his daughter. He asked her what she was doing. She said she was giving him beautiful flowers for the lawn. She said she wanted him to have Daddy Lions since God made them, but they keep turning brown so she has to go and find more. Howard said he decided that they add so much to their lawn. Please read the article. it is heartwarming and better than my discription.

Like all things, our values change when we are brought to see things from another person's or child's perspective!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

National Library Week and many other activities

National Library Week is one of my favorite times of the year! At our library we have lunch each day with a featured speaker. We had 3 authors scheduled and two special speakers. One of the things that has happened the last three years is a snow storm right in the middle of National Library Week.

Thursday morning we had blowing snow and our author could not get to us from their location 2 hours away. When snow blows across our highways sometimes you can not see where the side of the road begins.

Since I did not want our author getting herself killed, I advised her to stay home. Hence, I began working to put together a program about new and interesting books that we were adding or had added recently.

It was a fun morning. Really, the whole program went well and I enjoyed sharing with everyone in the audience. We had about 45 people in attendance. I am especially delighted when patrons share their best reads, which did happen. 

Here is a copy of our discussion: It is entitled, "NLW -April 18, 2013, Melany Wilks, Library Director speaks impromptu on titles.

The rest of them will be placed on our PML website in a few days located at