Friday, November 21, 2014


In the spirit of Thanksgiving and all, let me tell you about some books with the Thanksgiving theme.   The first is a non-fiction item entitled, “Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community, and War,” by Nathaniel Philbrick. This is a book that was written in 2007.  It is not a new item but it is a great history about the those that landed on what we call Plymouth Rock. Philbrick a consummate historian tells us in the books back flap that he thought he understood the history of the Pilgrims who landed in the new world.  But when he began to research the subject he really had no idea what these people endured, their triumphs and tragedies.
When I was in third grade I visited Plymouth Rock and the famous Plymouth Plantation.  The rock is encased in a gazebo type structure to keep vandals from harming it.  It is right on the coast where the ocean laps up. I still remember the reenactment that was done at the Plantation. The workers who acted out the life style of the people, helped to underscore the difficulty of the immigrants.   When I visited the rock again in 2010 and then had time to enjoy the Plymouth museum I renewed my understanding once again the hardship the people endured.  The book discussed the hardship traversing the seas and then building a colony. 
The meal the inhabitants ate, be they natural born or immigrants was not something that just happened.  The fact that they made it through the harsh winter and had food to eat was a miracle in itself. Let alone the fact they shared a meal of thanksgiving! If you have not taken time to reflect on the meaning yet of this wonderful holiday; the past events that allow us to celebrate and the things that make us truly thankful ourselves, I hope you take the time. 
Take a chance to share with children simple stories about Thanksgiving. Even adults enjoy these. Some you might be able to find on a library shelf would be: “Pete the Cat: The First Thanksgiving by James Dean and Kimberly Dean; “What Is Thanksgiving?” by Michelle Medlock Adams and Amy Wummer; “Over the River and Through the Wood: The New England Boy's Song About Thanksgiving Day,” by L. Maria Child and Matt Tavares.